This newsletter/journal has been ten years in the making—twenty years, if we’re going to get technical.

I quit blogging ten years ago in order to address some health issues, and there were a myriad of reasons, I never had it in me to restart. But now, a five-year “Substack is in the back of my mind to start writing again” has aligned with conventional wisdom telling me “I need an email list” (and not a small amount of disenchantment with Instagram), and here we are.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get exclusive, behind-the-everything access to me and my process—both artistic and entrepreneurial.

Inspiration + personal connection

For the first 3 months (Jan-Mar 2023), I plan to share something at least bi-weekly, just to get back into my rhythm. You can expect a little of this (poetry, mood boards, favorite photos), a bit of that (personal updates, some family stories, thoughts I don’t want to put anywhere else), and some experimentation (what do I love, what do you love, what feels easy and digestable?). If you like my Instagram, you’ll probably really enjoy this part (and so will I!).

Education + subscriber-only offers

In April, I plan to open up paid subscriptions to share more branding + photography content—how-to’s, content/photo/writing prompts, identity-development tools, and exclusive partnership opportunities and offers.

BTS updates

Every new edition of this journal/newsletter goes directly to your inbox—in a refreshing twist on the old RSS feeds from my blogging days.

Hang out in the space

In 2022, I learned that I am happiest when I’m just opening spaces up for people where absolutely anything is possible. Substack has some really cool options like comments on posts/emails and a brand new chat feature, and I’m just looking forward to seeing what happens as we fill up this room.

I am so very glad you’re here to test-drive all of this with me. I think we’re going to create something beautiful together.

Subscribe to It's all a love story.

In the end, we'll all become stories. (Margaret Atwood)


creativity director supporting super humans. interested in #howtobealover